Exhibition, 11 April – 11 November 2022


Fernando Bedoya

Fernando “Coco” Bedoya

The artworks of the Peruvian artist Fernando Bedoya, exhibited near the showcase where the two South American mummies are preserved, are intended to dialogue with the human findings as well as evoking the ancient surgical practices of the Incas, known as trepanation, which consisted of the perforation of the skull.

Bedoya, through his ceramic replicas of ancient heads, imitates the act of trepanation by perforating twice the head. One hole is left open, following the sign of the surgical intervention, while the other hole is covered with a bottle cap of Coca-Cola, a brand of the modern global exploiter.

On display are also four of his engravings from the “Fardos” series, where the use of collage and silkscreen techniques bind together like the bandaging of a mummy.


European project Rise Horizon 2020 Scientific Collections on the Move


This exhibition was born as a public engagement activity within the European Project SciCoMove: Scientific collections on the move: Provincial Museums, Archives, and Collecting Practices (1850-1950) to which the University Museum System pertains.

In particular, on the 11th and the 12th of April, the SciCoMove Workshop entitled Skull collections. Series, standardization and instruments will take place in Turin with the participation of over 20 researchers project partners from Europe and Latin America, including the curators of the exhibition.